2023 Grant Information and Application
Online Grant Application CRISP’s 2023 Safer Roads, Together Grants are designed for projects that promote collaboration to make Alberta Capital Region’s streets safe for all road users, of all ages and abilities. Focus on Vulnerable Road UsersSafer Roads Together Grant has been established to promote collaborative, community-driven projects, partnerships and initiatives related to traffic safety

CRISP Strategic Plan 2021-2023
In late 2020, CRISP members met to update the strategic plan with intentions to: Affirm CRISP’s vision, mission and values, and adjust if needed. Develop a three-year strategic framework for action. Develop goals for CRISP to achieve between 2021-2023. Develop action plans for each of CRISP’s strategic goals. View the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan
Teen Driver Safety Week focuses on Risks of Speeding
Parachute’s National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) is an annual campaign supported by Desjardins to build awareness of teen driver safety issues and to encourage community and youth involvement as part of the solution. Our 2020 theme: #SpeedIsNoGame. Road crashes are the second-leading cause of death among young people in Canada. Young people are killed
3rd Traffic Safety Culture Survey Now Available
The 3rd Edmonton and Area Traffic Safety Culture Survey is now available. The survey was conducted by the City of Edmonton’s Office of Traffic Safety and provides insights into how road users perceive themselves and their actions, the actions of others, and the rules of the road. More than 5,000 drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists participated in this study
Edmonton’s 11th International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety
CRISP was proud to sponsor Edmonton’s 11th International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety held in Edmonton August 21-23, 2019. The program theme was “Leading the way to Vision Zero through innovation, integration, and collaboration” because all road users feel the impact of traffic safety. The conference was designed for law enforcement, engineers, legal professionals, community partners, academics and
Automated enforcement is a rich store of traffic safety information.
Municipalities and law enforcement agencies across Alberta are sitting on a rich store of traffic safety information. Every day, cameras in our communities record the licence plates of drivers who exceed posted speed limits, run red lights and speed through intersections and school zones. Automated enforcement (AE) technologies are a relatively new traffic safety tool,