In Canada, up to 30% of intersection related crashes are fatal and approximately 40% of crashes cause serious injuries. There is an urgent need to continuously improve the design and operation of urban intersections to reduce vehicle crashes.
CRISP is always looking for innovative approaches to improving traffic safety. In line with this thinking, CRISP members believe that assisting university students focus on intersection safety and design is an important component of enhancing traffic safety. By supporting at the university level, CRISP hopes it will encourage younger people to embrace the safety culture they promote.

All Scholarships
Student Paper Competition 2016
In April 2016, CRISP awarded first place in the Student Paper Competition to co-winners Mostafa Mohammed and Suliman Gargoum. As the two papers were considered so close in content and quality, CRISP elected to award two first prizes. Each winner received a $2,500 award as well as a full registration to the 8th Annual Traffic
Urban Intersection Safety Scholarship
In April 2013, CRISP awarded their first Urban Intersection Safety Scholarship to Mr. Tazul Islam. This $5,000 award was intended to support an outstanding graduate student who was engaged in full-time research in a Canadian graduate school and building their research career in transportation engineering with a focus on intersection safety.
Student Paper Competition 2012
In April 2012 CRISP presented three awards for their Student Paper Competition for the 2011-2012 academic year. The purpose of the awards was to recognize outstanding technical contributions from individual transportation engineering students at the University of Alberta with a focus on improving intersection safety. Student paper included current research, literature reviews, theoretical arguments, or