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Automated Enforcement and Detection of Driver Risk

CRISP partners supported a proof-of-concept study to explore the untapped potential of automated enforcement data. The original belief was that municipalities and law enforcement agencies across Alberta are sitting on a rich store of traffic safety information and could this data be put to work in other ways.

The study found positive relationships between AE violations and other traffic-related behaviours. It also found that drivers with high numbers of AE violations were more likely than other drivers to be involved in criminal activities. The overriding conclusion for this study is that AE data can play an important role in the development of more effective intervention strategies that will make our roadways and communities safer for everyone.

AE and Detection of Driver Risk Study (PDF)

AE and Detection of Driver Risk Executive Summary (PDF)

Automated Enforcement Multi Jurisdictional Full Study (PDF)

Automated Enforcement Multi Jurisdictional Executive Summary (PDF)

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