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C2E Column Red Light Cameras

Red light cameras will now do double duty at high collision intersections in Edmonton, St. Albert and Strathcona County. For years the Province of Alberta has allowed municipalities to use electronic devices to enforce traffic laws. Last year they approved the use of Intersection Safety Devices (ISDs), more commonly known as red light cameras, to

Ask the Expert Pedestrian Safety

My children are going back to school and I want them to know the rules of the road. What should I teach them about being a pedestrian? Gerry Shimko, chair of the Capital Region Intersection Safety Partnership (CRISP) says: First, it’s important for all road users to remember that safety is a shared responsibility between

Media Contacts

Materials to help traffic safety professionals and stakeholders, the media and individuals with information on CRISP intersection safety articles, news releases and awareness campaigns.

For more information, contact:

Donna Hladun, CRISP Communications
Phone: 780.405.9979

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