In 2018 there were more than 43,000 collisions in the Edmonton Metro Region resulting in 39 fatalities and more than 9,200 injuries

Initiatives are evidence-based and integrate best practices in the areas of education, engineering and enforcement followed by evaluation of results, and target four priorities: red light violations, pedestrian safety, speed and high crash locations.
Collaborative teams focused on integrated intersection safety.
Collaborative teams focused on integrated intersection safety.
What We Do
Collaborative teams focused on integrated intersection safety.
Speeding costs us all
A pedestrian hit by a vehicle travelling at 60 km/h has a ...High Cost of Speeding
In 2018 crashes in the Edmonton Metro Region cost nearly ...High Crash Locations
Of all injury-related collisions in the Edmonton Metro Region ...Pedestrian Safety
Everyday in 2018 on Edmonton Metro Region roads approximately...News and Highlights

2023 Grant Information and Application
Online Grant Application CRISP’s 2023 Safer Roads, Together Grants are designed for projects that promote collaboration to make Alberta Capital Region’s streets safe for all road users, of all ages and abilities. Focus on Vulnerable Road UsersSafer Roads Together Grant has been established to promote collaborative, community-driven projects, partnerships and initiatives related to traffic safety

Safer Roads, Together Unconference
How can we work together to make Edmonton Region’s streets safe for all road users, of all ages and abilities? This is the question we will be tackling during the Safer Roads, Together event being hosted by the Capital Region Integrated Safety Partnership (CRISP) on September 29, 2022 from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm. Safer

CRISP Strategic Plan 2021-2023
In late 2020, CRISP members met to update the strategic plan with intentions to: Affirm CRISP’s vision, mission and values, and adjust if needed. Develop a three-year strategic framework for action. Develop goals for CRISP to achieve between 2021-2023. Develop action plans for each of CRISP’s strategic goals. View the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan