
2023 Grant Information and Application
Online Grant Application CRISP’s 2023 Safer Roads, Together Grants are designed for projects that promote collaboration to make Alberta Capital Region’s streets safe for all

CRISP Strategic Plan 2021-2023
In late 2020, CRISP members met to update the strategic plan with intentions to: Affirm CRISP’s vision, mission and values, and adjust if needed. Develop
Teen Driver Safety Week focuses on Risks of Speeding
Parachute’s National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) is an annual campaign supported by Desjardins to build awareness of teen driver safety issues and to encourage
Position Papers
- Intersection Speed Devices_CRISP Position Paper (PDF)
Media Contacts
For more information, contact:
Donna Hladun, CRISP Communications
Phone: 780.405.9979
Awareness Campaigns

2010: Rushed a Left Turn Campaign
In January 2010, CRISP targeted unsafe left turns by reminding motorists that driving is not a game, but a responsibility that needs to be taken seriously. The overall goal of the campaign was to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities at Capital Region intersections by showing the real consequences that can happen when drivers

2009: Was Speeding – Only the Tree Lived Campaign
In the Spring of 2009, CRISP again targeted speeding by by reminding people that driving is not a game, but an activity that needs to be taken seriously. The overall goal of the campaign was to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities at Capital Region intersections by showing the real consequences that can happen
News Releases

Automated Enforcement and Detection of Driver Risk
CRISP partners supported a proof-of-concept study to explore the untapped potential of automated enforcement data. The original belief was that municipalities and law enforcement agencies across Alberta are sitting on a rich store of traffic safety information and could this data be put to work in other ways. The study found positive relationships between AE

Traffic collisions are at an all time high during long weekends.
EDMONTON, June 26, 2013 – As Albertans get ready for the July long weekend, traffic safety professionals in the Capital Region want to remind drivers that it can be a dangerous time to be on the roads. Historically, long weekends end with too many deadly collisions. “Even one death on Alberta roads this long weekend