High Crash Locations

In the Capital Region
2018 resulted in:

Intersections are high risk locations for collisions.
Intersections are high risk locations for collisions. 55 per cent of all collisions in the Edmonton Metro Region occur at intersections. More alarming is the severity of intersection collisions. Two-thirds of all injury-related collisions in the Capital Region happen at intersections.
Some intersections have a history of higher risk. CRISP believes in addressing this high risk at the partnership level as well as the individual partner organization’s level. Many of the CRISP partner municipalities and enforcement agencies maintain a High Collision Locations Program that assesses these intersections for enforcement initiatives, engineering enhancements and public awareness.
Addresses High Risk Intersections
CRISP addresses high risk intersections from three perspectives:
Increase Research
Increasing Research for Intersection Tools and Improvements
Share Strategies
Sharing Enforcement Strategies across the partnership
Driver Behaviour
Addressing Driver Behaviour
Intersection Safety Devices
CRISP supports the use of ISDs as a means of reducing the number and severity of intersection collisions at high-risk crash locations by enforcing red light and speeding violations. CRISP is a strong proponent of using ISD legislation and technology to monitor traffic safety at high-risk crash locations. Speed enforcement is a fundamental component of any road safety strategy and ISDs are a cost-effective tool to safely enforce speeding infractions, in particular at high-risk crash locations, and improve traffic safety in the Capital Region.
Intersection Research
Driver Behaviour Materials