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Review of CRISP Publicity Campaigns

CRISP has developed and implemented a variety of publicity campaigns over the years. These campaigns utilized a general exposure approach that used a combination of billboards, newspaper, transit, and radio advertisements. The use of road safety publicity campaigns is not new but their effectiveness have been a topic of constant debate.

The objective of the ‘Review of CRISP Publicity Campaigns’ was to to review the development, implementation and evaluation of the CRISP related media campaigns. The review  also encompassed a literature review and background data with the following elements in mind:

  • Review target market(s) and demographic profiles of our audience
  • Review behavioral theories that support the campaign messages
  • Provide examples of best practices and effective campaigns used elsewhere
  • Recommend a rationale for future campaign directions

The review provides guidelines and recommendations that will ensure that resources being allocated by CRISP for its media campaigns are theory and evidence based, as stated in its strategic plan. It will assist CRISP with developing successful designs and implementation of social marketing campaigns to raise awareness for improving road user attitudes and behaviors, with the ultimate goal of reducing traffic violations and collisions at intersections in the Alberta Capital Region.

Review of CRISP Publicity Campaigns 2008 (PDF)

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