Automated Enforcement and Detection of Driver Risk
CRISP partners supported a proof-of-concept study to explore the untapped potential of automated enforcement data. The original belief was that municipalities and law enforcement agencies across Alberta are sitting on a rich store of traffic safety information and could this data be put to work in other ways. The study found positive relationships between AE

Traffic collisions are at an all time high during long weekends.
EDMONTON, June 26, 2013 – As Albertans get ready for the July long weekend, traffic safety professionals in the Capital Region want to remind drivers that it can be a dangerous time to be on the roads. Historically, long weekends end with too many deadly collisions. “Even one death on Alberta roads this long weekend
Automated enforcement is a rich store of traffic safety information.
EDMONTON, January 30, 2013 – Traffic safety professionals in the Capital Region announced that the Automated Enforcement (AE) data collected from Intersection Safety Devices (ISDs) and Photo Radar Cameras (PRCs) could be used for more than sending tickets to speeders and red light runners. CRISP, the Capital Region Intersection Safety Partnership, has shown that drivers
Collisions carry hefty price tag: Crashes in the Capital Region cost nearly $1 billion annually.
Crashes in the Capital Region cost nearly $1 billion annually EDMONTON, April 14, 2010 – Traffic safety professionals announced the costs of motor vehicle collisions in the Capital Region today. CRISP, the Capital Region Intersection Safety Partnership, estimates that nearly $1 billion is spent on collisions every year. CRISP commissioned a study to determine average
Unsafe Left Turns, Focus of CRISP Advertising Campaign: One of the Common Mistakes at Intersections.
‘CRISP’ focus on safe left turns The Capital Region Intersection Safety Partnership (CRISP) launched the latest message in its Real Consequences campaign with this month’s focus on making safe left turns at intersections. The campaign sends the message that driving is not a game, but a responsibility that needs to be taken seriously. This idea