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Automated enforcement is a rich store of traffic safety information.

Municipalities and law enforcement agencies across Alberta are sitting on a rich store of traffic safety information. Every day, cameras in our communities record the licence plates of drivers who exceed posted speed limits, run red lights and speed through intersections and school zones.

Automated enforcement (AE) technologies are a relatively new traffic safety tool, several forms of which are now deployed throughout Edmonton, Strathcona County, St. Albert and other Capital Region municipalities. In the Capital Region, two different types are used: Intersection Safety Devices (ISDs), and Photo Radar Cameras (PRCs). The use of these automated safety tools has resulted in large numbers of license plates with associated lists of infractions being stored in police databases. Currently, the sole use of this data is to provide proof of the infractions for the legal proceedings associated with the violations.

Continue reading.. Automated Enforcement and Driver Risk (PDF)



CRISP partners share resources and expertise to implement on-going, collaborative and integrated intersection safety research and initiatives to reduce the frequency and severity of intersection collisions in Alberta’s Capital Region. Initiatives are evidence-based and integrate best practices in the areas of education, engineering and enforcement followed by evaluation of results, and target four priorities: red light violations, pedestrian safety, speed and high crash locations.

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