Student Paper Competition 2016

In April 2016, CRISP awarded first place in the Student Paper Competition to co-winners Mostafa Mohammed and Suliman Gargoum. As the two papers were considered so close in content and quality, CRISP elected to award two first prizes. Each winner received a $2,500 award as well as a full registration to the 8th Annual Traffic … Read more

Urban Intersection Safety Scholarship

In April 2013, CRISP awarded their first Urban Intersection Safety Scholarship to Mr. Tazul Islam. This $5,000 award was intended to support an outstanding graduate student who was engaged in full-time research in a Canadian graduate school and building their research career in transportation engineering with a focus on intersection safety. 

Student Paper Competition 2012

In April 2012 CRISP presented three awards for their Student Paper Competition for the 2011-2012 academic year. The purpose of the awards was to recognize outstanding technical contributions from individual transportation engineering students at the University of Alberta with a focus on improving intersection safety. Student paper included current research, literature reviews, theoretical arguments, or … Read more