2010: Rushed a Left Turn Campaign

In January 2010, CRISP targeted unsafe left turns by reminding motorists that driving is not a game, but a responsibility that needs to be taken seriously. The overall goal of the campaign was to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities at Capital Region intersections by showing the real consequences that can happen when drivers … Read more

2009: Was Speeding – Only the Tree Lived Campaign

In the Spring of 2009, CRISP again targeted speeding by by reminding people that driving is not a game, but an activity that needs to be taken seriously. The overall goal of the campaign was to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities at Capital Region intersections by showing the real consequences that can happen … Read more

2007: Understand the Impact – It Won’t Kill to Pay Attention at Intersections Campaign

In the fall of 2007, the focus for CRISP was a targeted pedestrian safety campaign. Understand the Impact – It Won’t Kill to Pay Attention at Intersections highlights the impact of a collision, focusing on the physical, mental, emotional and financial consequences of vehicle/pedestrian collisions. The goal of the campaign is to educate pedestrians and drivers to … Read more