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Updated Cost of Collision Study

CRISP’s 2010 Collision Cost Study estimated that crashes in the Capital Region cost nearly $1 billion with each fatal collision costing more than $180,000, each injury collision costing almost $40,000 and the average collision that only involves property damage costing approximately $11,000.

The feedback from this report was so favourable, that a new report has been completed. The updated results show that the cost per collision type has increased to each fatal collision costing more than $225,000, each injury collision costing almost $50,000 and the average collision that only involves property damage costing just over $14,000. At the same time, the frequency of collisions has reduced significantly in all areas bringing the overall cost of collisions in the Capital Region to over $800,000 million. Still a staggering amount.

Collision Cost Study Update 2018 (PDF)
Collision Cost Study Summary Report 2010 (PDF)
Collision Cost Study 2010 (PDF)



CRISP partners share resources and expertise to implement on-going, collaborative and integrated intersection safety research and initiatives to reduce the frequency and severity of intersection collisions in Alberta’s Capital Region. Initiatives are evidence-based and integrate best practices in the areas of education, engineering and enforcement followed by evaluation of results, and target four priorities: red light violations, pedestrian safety, speed and high crash locations.

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