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Updated Collision Cost Study Underway

CRISP’s 2010 Collision Cost Study estimated that crashes in the Capital Region cost nearly $1 billion with each fatal collision costing more than $180,000, each injury collision costing almost $40,000 and the average collision that only involves property damage costing approximately $11,000.

The feedback from this report was so favourable, that a new report using 2015 data is in the works and expected to be ready in May 2017.

Collision Cost Study Summary Report 2010 (PDF)
Collision Cost Study 2010 (PDF)



CRISP partners share resources and expertise to implement on-going, collaborative and integrated intersection safety research and initiatives to reduce the frequency and severity of intersection collisions in Alberta’s Capital Region. Initiatives are evidence-based and integrate best practices in the areas of education, engineering and enforcement followed by evaluation of results, and target four priorities: red light violations, pedestrian safety, speed and high crash locations.

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